
Match records are created every time players complete a game session. Each Match contains high level information about the game session, i.e. duration, gameMode, etc. Each Arena Match has exactly two Rosters and each Royale Match has Rosters for each player team.


Royale matches have an empty list of rounds. Royal matcheshave the value value of “Royale”


Rosters track the scores of each opposing group of Participants. If players entered matchmaking as a team, the Roster will have a related Team. Rosters have many Participants objects, one for each member of the Roster. Roster objects are only meaningful within the context of a Match and are not exposed as a standalone resource.

  "type": "roster",
  "id": "eca49808-d510-11e6-bf26-cec0c932ce01",
  "attributes": {
    "shardId": "global"
    "stats": {
      "score": 3
      "side": 1,
    "won": "true",
  "relationships": {
    "participants": {
      "data": [
          "type": "participant",
          "id": "eca49a7e-d510-11e6-bf26-cec0c932ce01"
    "team": {
      "data": {...}


Participant objects track each member in a Roster. Participants may be anonymous Players, registered Players, or bots. In the case where the Participant is a registered Player, the Participant will have a single Player relationship. Participant objects are only meaningful within the context of a Match and are not exposed as a standalone resource.

  "type": "participant",
  "id": "ea77c3a7-d44e-11e6-8f77-0242ac130004",
  "attributes": {
    "actor": "65687534",
    "shardId": "global"
    "stats": {
      "attachment": 578166028,
      "emote": 1505065066,
      "mount": 1302058678,
      "outfit": 1890030881
  "relationships": {
    "player": {
      "data": {
        "type": "player",
        "id": "932723402744184832"


Round objects contain an overview of a round played, including information such as the round’s duration, order in a match, participants, and the winning team. Round objects are only meaningful within the context of a Match and are not exposed as a standalone resource.

A royale match has an empty round list

  "type": "round",
  "id": "b93e40bf-f488-4e16-a277-f53deda4e3fb",
  "attributes": {
    "duration": 95,
    "ordinal": 2,
    "stats": {
      "winningTeam": 2
  "relationships": {
    "participants": {
      "data": []

Get a Collection of Matches

This endpoint retrieves data from matches.

Please keep in mind that bulk scraping matches is prohibited.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
page[offset] 0 Allows paging over results
page[limit] 5 The default (and current maximum) is 5. Values less than 5 and greater than 1 are supported.
sort createdAt By default, Matches are sorted by creation time ascending.
filter[createdAt-start] Now-28days Must occur before end time. Format is iso8601 Usage: filter[createdAt-start]=2017-01-01T08:25:30Z
filter[createdAt-end] Now Queries search the last 3 hrs. Format is iso8601 i.e.filter[createdAt-end]=2017-01-01T13:25:30Z
filter[playerIds] none Filters by player Id. Usage:filter[playerIds]=playerId,playerId,…
filter[patchVersion] none Filter by Battlerite patch version. Usage: filter[patchVersion]=2.10,2.11,…
filter[serverType] none Filter by match server type. Usage: filter[serverType]=QUICK2V2,QUICK3v3,ROYALRUMBLESOLO,ROYALRUMBLEDUO
filter[rankingType] none Filter by match ranking type. Usage: filter[rankingType]=RANKED

Remember — a happy match is an authenticated match!


curl -g "[limit]=3&filter[createdAt-start]=2017-11-10T13:25:30Z" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <api-key>" \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.api+json"


import requests

url = ""

header = {
  "Authorization": "<api-key>",
  "Accept": "application/vnd.api+json"

query = {
  "sort": "createdAt",
  "filter[createdAt-start]": "2017-11-10T13:25:30Z",
  "page[limit]": "3"

r = requests.get(url, headers=header, params=query)


q := req.URL.Query()
q.Add("sort", "createdAt")
q.Add("filter[createdAt-start]", "2017-11-10T13:25:30Z")
q.Add("page[limit]", "3")
req.URL.RawQuery = q.Encode()
res, _ := client.Do(req)

The above commands returns JSON structured like this:

  "data": [
      "type": "match",
      "id": "D005654E95174996B303A17B979DC016",
      "attributes": {
        "game": "Arena"
        "createdAt": "2017-11-10T20:30:08Z",
        "duration": 492,
        "gameMode": "1733162751",
        "patchVersion": "1.0",
        "shardId": "global",
        "stats": {
          "mapID": "417DE573937D74E39BF40EB6CF82670B",
          "type": "QUICK2V2 ",
        "tags" {
          "rankingType": "UNRANKED",
          "serverType": "QUICK2V2"
        "titleId": "stunlock-studios-battlerite"
      "relationships": {
        "assets" {
          "data": [
              "type": "asset",
              "id": "1ad97f85-cf9b-11e7-b84e-0a586460f004"
        "rosters": {
          "data": [
              "type": "roster",
              "id": "ea77c2eb-d44e-11e6-8f77-0242ac130004"
        "rounds": {
          "data": [
              "type": "round",
              "id": "b7326b70-1473-48b4-a30b-3eb9bb319541"
        "spectators": {
          "data": []
      "links": {
        "schema": "schema": "",
        "self": ""
  "included": [
    {...}, //Player, Roster, Participant, asset, and Round structures
  "links": {
  "meta": {}

Get a Single Match

This endpoint retrieves a specific match.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Default Description
ID none The ID of the match to retrieve


curl "<matchID>" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <api-key>" \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.api+json"

The above commands returns JSON structured like this:

  "data": [
    {...}, //Match structures
  "included": [
    {...}, //Player, Roster, Participant, asset, and Round structures
  "links": {
  "meta": {}